Getting Unstuck

Tasked with getting a production team back on track in a system I had very little experience with, I had very few resources to get a struggling company moving in the right direction …But I had a great CEO. He was steady, gritty and full of optimism. A true leader and the kind of person you can follow when you’re taking bullets from all sides.

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Tony Woodall
Leveling Up

And then it happened. One of the higher-ups in your organization called you into their office and gawked at you while saying some version of “My how you've grown!” Now everyone is staring at you and expecting greatness.

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Tony Woodall
The Seven Leader Journeys

Change is hard. It often presents us with challenges we don’t feel equipped to face. We’ve learned simply “knowing what to do” isn’t enough, so Rootstock’s mission has become to ensure leaders have the skills and knowledge to successfully navigate the nuances of the specific journey they’re facing.

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Tony Woodall
Why I founded a leadership development company

I didn’t sign up for this. I remember saying that to myself the moment I realized I’d failed to lead my team. Our problems were many, and I just couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Surely it was a fluke. We closed the office and I moved on. After all, I hadn’t signed up for the mess I’d inherited. Turns out I didn’t sign up for the next one, either.

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Tony Woodall