The Rootstock Experience

Here’s what you can expect when you work with us:

We will deliver value quickly.

We will make an impact in your key problem or opportunity areas from the moment we engage.

We will do real work.

We are all about rolling up our sleeves with you and going after real problems to get uncommon results .

We will keep it simple.

We will reduce complexity to focus on the vital things that will make the biggest impact for you.

We will pursue a relationship with you.

At the risk of sounding cheesy - we genuinely want to get to know you. By the nature of what we do, we need to know you well to serve you well.


Our Values

We will navigate each day with a hopeful outlook.

Inside/Out Integrity
We will be a living example of what we are asking our clients to do.

We will be tough-minded and strong-willed to achieve uncommon goals and provide unparalleled service to clients.

Relentlessly Improving
We will always seek to improve and bring new value.

Our Brand

Why are we called Rootstock and what’s up with that logo? Learn about our brand and identity.



Tony Woodall

Founder & Managing Partner, Leadership Development & Strategy

Rootstock was born out of passion and necessity.

For 20 years, Tony delivered bottom-line results in sales, marketing, and brand strategy—but as a leader, he “kind of stunk” (his words). After struggling to get his teams to gel, he stepped back to “just selling.” Yet, the pull of leadership never left.

Humbled, he became obsessed with learning everything he could about leadership and teams. That journey reshaped his career, and today, he’s dedicated to helping legacy leaders navigate change and build lasting impact. Beyond business, Tony joyfully serves as an international minister, serving the beautiful people of India.


  • Certified Leadership Coach with Discovery Coaching Services

  • Certified in DiSC, DRIVING FORCES, and EQ with TTI Insights

  • Certified Human Centered Design practitioner through LUMA Institute

  • Certified facilitator for “The Six Types of Working Genius” through The Table Group

Terry Simpson

Managing Partner, Growth Strategies

Terry has over 25 years of experience in strategic business development, people strategy, talent acquisition, M&A, geographic expansion and corporate board activity. As an executive, his main focus is helping companies not just survive difficult seasons, but emerge stronger, more focused, and better positioned for long-term impact through implementing profitable growth strategies.

Terry has an MBA in Finance and is also a Certified Leadership Coach with Discovery Coaching Services.

Beyond business, Terry is focused on a variety of local and international christian missions. He serves as Vice President of A Light To The Nations, a small group of business minded christians that travel extensively to East Africa and India to inspire the body of Christ. He also serves with Reaching The Forgotten, going into local jails on a weekly basis to conduct bible studies and mentor men who are returning to civilization.


Karman Morey

Leadership Coach | Public Speaker

Karman has over 20 years of experience in executive and life coaching, and holds the PCC credential with the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also a certified Master Practitioner of NLP, and is trained in NLP-based coaching.  Since the early 2000’s, Karman has developed a record of success in helping leaders of all kinds achieve their best in life and work.

Karman is also an international conference speaker. She has traveled to some of the most remote and neglected places to equip tens of thousands with a powerful message of life change. Her specific focus is to empower women struggling in an often oppressive culture to believe in their value, create a strong foundation, and take next steps to pursue their own unique vision.


Kristine Sims

Leadership Coach | Training Facilitator | Corporate Strategist

Kristine is a leader coach, leader skills instructor and corporate client manager for Rootstock. She coaches emerging and seasoned leaders, is a key instructor for the year-long THRIVE 365 program and leads team corporate strategy sessions via Rootstock’s proprietary Human Centered Design methodology. Kristine is an excellent communicator, a results-focused leader coach and a sharp strategist. In addition to serving at Rootstock, she is the co-owner of Verb DB, a comprehensive Identity creation firm that serves small, medium and Fortune 10 companies. She is also leading other entrepreneurial ventures. 

Kristine’s volunteer work includes conducting growth and leadership seminars and mentoring leaders with various non-for-profits.  

Kelly Tapp, SPHR

Leadership Coach | Organizational Development Advisor

Kelly Tapp is a resourceful organizational development leader with a demonstrated history of leadership development in various industries. Skilled in talent development, change management, organizational effectiveness, and people process improvement, she is a strategic thought partner to many organizations.  Her human resources experience underscores her commitment to linking talent with business needs, as her Senior Professional Human Resources (SPHR) designation showcases. 

Kelly’s leadership coaching experience spans all levels of leadership from  c-suite to frontline managers.  Her commitment to servant leadership is the foundation for her coaching practice as she partners with leaders to discover more about their own growth and development journey. 

Joshua Woodall

Operations and Recruiting Services 

Joshua Woodall’s role includes responsibilities in administration and operations. His focus is to deliver the highest level of service to our clients when interacting with the Rootstock brand. Joshua will also work in the recruiting services side of Rootstock, with specific focus on client-side job/role clarity to develop an ideal candidate search list. Joshua’s future aspirations include taking Rootstock global. He is truly internationally-minded, having traveled extensively around the world. Joshua is also a passionate advocate for men’s mental health. 

Education and Special Skills:

  • B.A. from Wheaton College (with honors) - Major: Communications, Minor: Chinese 

  • Fluent in Russian and Chinese languages

  • Founder: “Suffering in Silence” (SiS) - a social awareness brand focused on helping men with mental illness come out of the silent shadows and seek help.